Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Be An Engaged Employee

How To Be An Engaged Employee Image via Don’t let yourself get distracted In today’s world, it’s too easy to get distracted and disengaged from your work, especially if notifications are constantly popping up on your phone. If you want to be an engaged employee, you need to eliminate these distractions. For example, put your phone away or on airplane mode to prevent any notifications from popping up. Also, if you need to use your computer during work, avoid going on social media websites. If you must, download a software (like SelfControl) that will block distracting websites for a period of time. You could also sit away from a distracting co-worker. Eliminating simple distractions will help you become much more engaged in your work. Have a plan Having a plan will make you a more engaged employee. At least in my experience, I am more motivated to work when I have a plan, especially when I create my plan for the day first thing in the morning. When you don’t have a plan, you waste time, because you don’t know what you need to do! On the contrary, when you do have a plan, you will know right away exactly what to do. This makes it easier for you to get started on your work. You don’t need to make a detailed “to do” list, just outlining a plan in your head will be enough to help you get going. You will be a more productive, engaged employee when you take a few minutes to come up with a plan. Take ownership of your work When you take ownership of your work, you will become more engaged in it. Taking ownership of your work means that you actually care about it, and that you do your job with excellence. Yes, it means you will have to go the extra mile, but it is worth it. For example, someone who takes ownership of their work would be willing to stay at work a few minutes late to make sure their project is perfect, because they genuinely care about this project. On the other hand, someone who doesn’t care about their project would do a “good enough” job on it. Do you see how the other worker is more engaged? If you want to be a more engaged employee, you should take ownership of your work. Speak up Engaged employees speak up. They let their boss know if something is wrong in the workplace. Offer solutions to problems your co-workers vocalize. They encourage their co-workers for a job well done. They let others know when they need help, and they volunteer to help others. This could be a challenge, especially for new employees who don’t yet feel comfortable in the workplace. Still, it’s important to get into the habit of speaking up. Speaking up in the workplace will make you a more engaged employee. Take initiative Employers want their employees to take initiative in the workplace. Don’t wait for your boss to give you further instructions. Instead, approach them and ask what you can do next. If you finished all your tasks for the day and have some extra time, ask for more work. If you see a co-worker struggling, offer to help them. This will show your boss that you are a valuable employee who actually cares about the business. Engaged employees are not passive about their work, waiting around for instructions. Rather, they take initiative and are active workers. Allow yourself a change in scenery Sometimes, we can become disengaged from our work simply because we are bored. It can be hard for some people to stay engaged in something they have been doing for a long time. This can be resolved with a change in scenery. This “change of scenery” could be anything from picking up a new side project, learning a new skill, or even physically moving to a different workstation (if possible!). A change of scenery (no matter what it might be) could be just what you need to get you more interested in your work. A part of being a good employee is being an engaged employee. Someone who is engaged and invested in their work will inevitably produce better work, and will hopefully be rewarded for it. If you want to succeed in your job and be an engaged employee, don’t let yourself get distracted, have a plan, take ownership of your work, speak up, and take initiative. These things will help you be the best worker you can be.

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